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Limonene Piece

Limonene Pieces for Water tank

It removes impurities and heavy metals inside the tank (purification of the Water tank) .

Tank House

Planning, monitoring and the funding of several centrally sponsored fishery schemes

Swimming pools

Accumulation of surface organic matter at the soil surface intentionally taken care of bringing

Farm tanks

Fish and fish products have presently emerged as the largest exports group of the Asia

How to use:

Put the piece inside the water tank and it will collect the impurities for a period of 6 months.

    Reasons for use:

    Water tanks contain many impurities that are transmitted by external conditions, and these impurities are usually not visible, so we cannot see them with the naked eye. Washing, scouring, other uses, so we made this piece and extracted from natural materials without affecting the human being or changing the components of the water.